22 August – Długosiodło Days: an outdoor event for the Długosiodło village inhabitants, numerous recreational and sports attractions for children and youth, historical exhibition organised by the Museum of Independence, Historical Reenactment Group, presentation of our Foundation’s T-55 tank. The historical event at Długosiodło aims to foster patriotic and educational values as well as to promote political and local history among the youngest inhabitants of the Mazowsze region.
Historical reenactment description:
Reenactment in the spirit of living history involves recreating a partisan camp of the 8th Company of the 3rd Battalion, 13th Infantry Regiment of the Polish Home Army (AK) from the day before the battle of Nowa Pecynka on 29.08.1944. Next partisans in period uniforms equipped with original weapons, viewers will have the opportunity to see the camps of the anti-Nazi underground in White Forest (Puszcza Biała), the way they were camouflaged, provisions for the Home Army soldiers and their everyday life.
The event will also involve an exhibition of original uniforms, equipment, and weapons from the interwar period and World War II, including exhibits found and recovered in the vicinity of Dlugosiodlo.
The Local Government of the Mazowieckie voivodship is a partner of the event.